Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Bloat in Rabbits

A lot of people I know have been dealing with bloat in their rabbits lately which has inspired me to write another blog about it adding several new items that I have learned since my last post on the subject. 

Bloat in rabbits can be caused by a number of things and sadly, no matter how many things you do to prevent it in your rabbits; it can still rear its ugly head. When it hits, whether it be one rabbit or many in your herd, the effects are devastating. 

I myself have experienced it from numerous causes from a bad bag of feed to a hairball obstruction. Here are some tips for if you ever suspect bloat in your rabbit. Remember, if bloat is suspected, always seek the professional care of a veterinarian.

Some signs of bloat:

·         Going off of their feed

·         Little to no poops in the cage/litter pan

·         Listlessness 

·         Not acting themselves

·         Belly is hard or distended

·         Not accepting treats

·         Loss of appetite

·         Sitting in a hunched position

·         Grinding of teeth in a painful manner

·         Acting lethargic 

Things to do to help alleviate the symptoms:

·         Baby gas drops

·         Tummy massages

·         Lots of hay

·         Plenty of exercise

·         Give them any treats they will accept

·         Sweetened or flavored water

·         A vet prescribed antibiotic

·         Hairball relief for cats (non flavored)

·         Fresh pineapple juice

·         Pumpkin

·         Yogurt

·         Electrolytes

Sometimes it can be as simple as switching their feed or cutting out a specific treat other times it can be Coccidiosis, a hair blockage, a blockage, rapids change in temperature, a really harsh molt, or maybe something they got into. With Rabbits it can be a lot of different things but one thing is the same for all causes, the sooner it is caught and treatment is started, the better the chance of recovery is.

Some common prevention's among breeders for it are to treat with Corrid twice a year, Pumpkin seeds and grapefruit seed oil twice a year or discuss an antibiotic treatment with your vet.

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